Monday 30 May 2011

I got tagged :)

 Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

NAME: Afiqah Abdul Rahim

AGE: 15 years old (14 going on 15)

BIRTHDAY: 17 June 1996 <3 Gemini <3

 PRESENT ADDRESS: Kelantan, Malaysia. HAHA ;) 


1. last beverage = Plain water ;)

2. last phone call = My mum. hihi ;)

3. last text message = Kak Ir :)  (Ir Warhamnie)

4. last song you listened to= Boyfriend, Big Time Rush, ahh <3

5. last time you cried = err, perlu kee? hee


6. dated someone twice = hahahahahahah. NEVAHH.

7. been cheated on = err, no comment.

8. kissed someone & regretted it = I kissed my little sister, and should I really regret it? 

9. lost someone special = Yes. 

10. been depressed = YES. (especially masa exam) urgh.

11. been drunk and threw up = Drunk? NOO. I don't drink. Haram. Dosa. Threw up? YESSS.


12. Blue

13. Black

14. Silver


15. Made a new friend/s = Yeah! They're are totally OSHEM!

16. Fallen out of love = Haha. tak perlu tahuuu.

17. Laughed until you cried = Yeah! ahh, happy moments <3

18. Met someone who changed you = hmmm, maybee? 

19. Found out who your true friends were = YUPP! I lovee them <3 Friends Forever <33

20. Found out someone was talking about you = Talking behind my back? YES. Not happy at all.   

21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = err, tak kott. haha. dunno. tak ingatt. haha :P


22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = A LOT. Maybe hundreds :)

24. Do you have any pets = Nope. Had? YES. 2 rabbits. ahh, adorable <3 . Then it died. Al-Fatihah. HAHA :)

25. Do you want to change your name =  I likee it although it's kinda short :D

26. What did you do for your last birthday : Celebrate it of course :)

27. What time did you wake up today = 6.30 a.m cause I have class :(

28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Facebook-ing + Tumblr-ing + YouYube-ing, ahh, I'm a busy student :)

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 <3

30. Last time you saw your Mother = A few minutes ago. 

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = Err, dunno. I wouldn't change a thing, hee.

32. What are you listening to right now = Till I forget about you, Big Time Rush

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = Tom Felton? YESS. haha. jk. LOL :)

34. What's getting on your nerves right now = In the meantime, nothing.

37. Nickname = Afiiqah, fiqah, fiqa

38. Relationship Status = Single! Bloggin' solo :)

39. Zodiac sign = Gemini

40. He or She = She. I've no idea what's the point of this question :p

41. Elementary = SK Kubang Kerian 3  (S3K3) <33

42. High School =  SMKA MELOR

43. College = -----

44. Hair color = Well, I dunnno. PINK? Of course nott. BLACK lahh

45. Long or short = Err, dunno.  

46. Height = 158. Lebih kurangg tuu laa.

47. Do you have a crush on someone? = Err, perluu ke tahuuu?

48. What do you like about yourself? = Err, I dunno. I think you guys should decide :)

49. Piercings = None. Not interested.

50. Tattoos right or lefty = None.


52. First surgery = No.

53. First piercing = NEVAHH.

54. First best friend = Sarah Adni <3

55. First sport you joined = Rounders. Yeah. When I was 9 years old ;)

56. First vacation = Can't recall

58. First pair of trainers = Can't recall


59. Eating = I'm not eating. I don't eat in front of the computer. *false statement* haha

60. Drinking = I'm not drinking. 

61. I'm about to = Post this.

62. Listening to = Big Time Rush. OMAGOSHH. Cool.

63. Waiting for = I don't even know what I'm waiting for. HAHA. Afiqah, you're a weirdo :p


64. Want kids? = Hurmm. Perlu ke tanyeee?

65. Get Married? = Dunno. Perluu keee?

66. Career? = I don't know. Accountant/ Engineer/ Doctor/ a NORMAL human being :)


67. Lips or eyes = Eyes!

68. Hugs or kisses= HUGS!

69. Shorter or taller = Taller!

70. Older or Younger = Younger. Forever 15. jk. LOL

71. Romantic or spontaneous = Spontaneous.

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Arms.

73. Sensitive or loud =  Err, moderate, in the middle please?

74. Hook-up or relationship = Neither.

75. Trouble maker or hesitant = I'm a trouble maker :p


76. Kissed a stranger = NEVAHH

77. Drank hard liquor = NEVAHH 

78. Lost glasses/contacts = YES. 

79. Sex on first date = WTH! Ya Allah. NO NO NO.

80. Broke someone's heart = Maybe? I mean, no one's perfect.

81. Had your own heart broken = Yeah!

82. Been arrested = NEVAHH 

83. Turned someone down = Yes.

84. Cried when someone died = Well, yeah. I'm not heartless.

85. Fallen for a friend = Err, dunno. Banyak tanyee la :)


86. Yourself = Sometimes :)

87. Miracles = Yeahh ! 

88. Love at first sight : NO. 

89. Heaven = Yes! 

90. Santa Claus = hahahahaahahah NO. 

91. Kiss on the first date = hahahahaahahah NO

92. Angels = Yes. 

p/s=sorry for the broken english :)

Saturday 28 May 2011

Hello Holiday ;)

18 May - 25 May tarikh exam Mid-term. 
I was like :

Mid-term was quite difficult.  I hope I did better than last time ;)
Okey, enough of the mid-term thingy.

The last day of school was okey la jugak. Memang bersemangat pergi sekolah hari tu. haha. Then I realised 'yeay! CUTI CUTI'. And I was like :

Okey, that's it for now.

Adios ;)